Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Would you like LOGIC with that?

It's been a while since I updated this, but rather than go into that, I want to get into what it is that shook me out of my lethargy. Yesterday, I saw something that was at once completely insane, but sadly, made all the sense in the world…

I saw this:

That’s right… I’ll post it again incase you didn’t look at it for long enough…

As I went to McDonalds yesterday to continue the worlds slowest suicide, that image hit me like a ton of bricks. I can get a MEDIUM serving of fries at McDonalds for $1.00… I can get a LARGE serving of fries for $1.64…

So far, so good and I'm getting hungry!

But, being the cheap-fuck that I am, I wonder what a SMALL serving of fries will cost me…

My brain is programmed to read a number that is SMALLER than the price next to the MEDIUM because, well, it should be. But what do I see..?

Just another example of everything that’s wrong with America today.

I understand cooperate strategies and the importance of properly positioning your products in the market place… but it shouldn’t cost McDonalds 9 cents MORE to make A SMALLER SERVING of FRIES!!!

I know that they wanted to be able to say, “hey we started the Dollar Menu craze, and even though everyone else copied us, were doing it again! At McDonalds, our Dollar Fries aren’t a small like the other guys – ours are a MEDUIUM!!!”

That I can dig! I’m not anti-corporations or anything… but in that multi-national corporation of a zillion people, not one of them took the time to see if it made sense in the real world?

Not one person said, “hey – I don’t want to seem like an ass-hole here, but shouldn’t our SMALLEST serving of fries have the SMALEST PRICE!??”

All people do is follow their formulas at this point and what ever that focus-grouped formula tells them to do they just DO. There is no critical thinking! No one just uses common sense! You're not input from the individual anymore!

Stay tuned to this blog to find out why this kinda thinking is what killed music radio, movies and my sex-drive...

Id write about it now, but I know a deal when I see one, and my Dollars worth of fries aren’t gonna eat themselves.